Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Yoga On Demand!

I have had numerous inquiries about practicing yoga at home with DVDs. Although I was first introduced to yoga at a gym and continue my practice either at a studio or through my own practice, I have come across some fantastic yoga DVDs. One of which is "Yoga Shakti" by Shiva Rea. This DVD is truly inspiring, rhythmic, energetic, and Shiva's just downright cool! The best thing about this is that you can create your own practice by selecting different sequences from the matrix to form a class of your own, depending on what you feel like that day.

Do you have a yoga DVD that you practice with? If so, please do share!

Om shanti, shanti, shanti!

On another note, I am taking a 200-hr training certification through Shiva Rea in April. I am working towards becoming a Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance, but won't achieve that goal until some time next year. Let's face it - 200 hours of training on top of my hectic schedule is not going to fly!

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