Friday, March 9, 2007

What's your style of yoga?

Have you always wondered what the different styles of yoga are? You hear Astanga, Power, Hatha, Vinyasa, etc., but do you ever wonder what distinguishes them apart?

As some of you may already be familiar of my style, at the moment, I enjoy practicing power yoga, or astanga and vinyasa. I like to continuously challenge myself mentally and physically, because the feeling of accomplishment is rewarding and overwhelming. This practice helps me carry that philosophy off the mat and into the real world.

In order find what your style is (which will constantly evolve), you must try them, or at the very least understand what they are. Here is a link to a guide by Yoga Journal that offers some insights into the different styles of yoga. Choose one that interests you, and if you have not tried it, I encourage you to find a teacher of that style and give it a shot. If you end up discovering that it is not the one for you, at least you have broadened your knowledge for yoga. If you need help finding a local yoga instructor for a particular style, let me know - I can assist.

Yoga Journal: Guide to Yoga Styles

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