Monday, May 21, 2007

No more slipping and sliding

Have you ever noticed how your down dogs slowly transition to plank without your own control? Perhaps you're so focused in uttitha trikonasana (that's triangle pose) and didn't realize you're slowly coming into hanumanasana (monkey pose). That's probably due to a sweaty mat and a vigorous practice.

Yogitoes, which is quite well-known (especially within the yoga community), has created this skidless towel that goes over your yoga mat, which not only picks up the sweat, but give you an added support from slipping and sliding during practice, and is easily washable by tossing it in to the washer and dryer.

These towels can be purchased directly through Yogitoes' website or on (my resource for anything and everything.

Oh and by the way, if you practice yoga on a regular basis, I highly encourage you to get a mat of your own! You don't want to know whose toes have been on those mats at the gym. In fact, you're better off not knowing - so get one! They're everywhere now - even in grocery stores, so you have no excuse! Oh and besides, you'll soon be needing one of your own once yoga outdoors kicks in.

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